Organic chelated Zn 13%


  Microelements are needed in trace quantities, but they are as important as NPK.
  LEEF?Organic chelated Zinc Fertilizer comes in granular form. The fertilizer have a slow-release property and chelation prevents the nutrients from being fixed by soil. Granular size is special design for using and providing uniform distribution of plant nutrients.The fertilizer can be used in bulk blending and for field application directly.
  Specificion: Zn   13%
  Size : 2 - 4.5 mm, Dosage: 20 - 40 kg/ha.
  Zinc also act as a catalyst for the formation of chlorophyll. It promotes the synthesis of enzymes in plant, strong the seed. Zinc deficiency is often related to a complex nutritional disorder called “peat yellow”. ChelatedZincwill help root tip absorb nutrients easily and also will help nutrients not to be tighten to the soil particle.

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Copyright:Henan Leef Fertilizer Co.,Business license

Henan Leef Fertilizer Co., Ltd.
Mob: (86)13503845374   
Email: leef@fertileef.com
Tel: 86-371-63886154
Fax: 86-371-63886154
Office: # 1-B-301, No.6 Cuizhu St., 450001 Zhengzhou, Henan, China
Factory: Balicha, Liuzhai, Xinmi, Zhengzhou, Henan

Ltd Record number:豫ICP备17000765号-2 

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